The Meadows

I woke up again with empty heart and empty mind. Something has changed; something is dead inside me. I do not know what it is.  I am trying to figure out what it is. Perhaps, I know what it is. I do not feel anything, or any emotion. There is no anger, no happiness, no anguish, no excitement, no fear, no grief; it feels like complete bliss. Solitude is everything that I long for. It is a perception that I am at new horizon of the world where no one has every stepped before. I close my eyes and I feel it. The gentle light of morning sun making thousands of dried leaves shine like gold petals and the dew shines like the diamonds. The air brushes against my body like touch of a mother trying to hold her newborn baby for the first time. I walk around in that delicacy of solitude. I can sense the aroma rising from the earth. Wait! I saw something or maybe someone. There is a shadow at some distance. Who is it? It feels like that I have known this person since the birth of universe. Slowing I walk toward that humanoid shadow. It’s a woman but who! What’s happening!!! I can feel a strong sensation of desire and love rising inside me. As the distance between us lessen, with each step, the feelings grow stronger and stronger. I know her. It’s her. She turned around and gave me a gentle smile. Confused I looked around. There is no one around us. Its just her and I, and the meadows with scent of her beauty.
I uttered only of my mouth, “why?”. Confused and delusional, I keep looking at her. A tear dropped out of my eye.
She, with a kind smile, clasped my hands and responded, “Because that’s how it was always meant to be”. And she faded in the air like mist.
It’s still morning. The dew is still fresh. The Sun is still in the east. The grass is still shining. It’s all like deja-vu like it has happened before like million times before. I remember now I am in heaven I died couple of years back. And I blacked out. Once again.

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